Curriculum Vita


Dr. Sergiy I. Martynenko

Office and Postal address: Department of Space Radio Physics, Kharkiv V. Karazin National University, 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61077, Ukraine


Place and date of birth: Kharkov, Ukraine; February 07, 1953

Born February 7, 1953. Married, one child.

Citizenship: Ukraine


1982 – Ph.D. in Radio Physics, including Quantum Radio Physics, Kharkov State University. Dissertation: “Ionospheric D Region Nonlinear Effect Influence on HF Radio Wave Parameters.”

1975 – M.S. in Radio Physics and Electronics, Department of Space Radio Physics, Kharkov State University.

Associate Professor in the Department of Space Radio Physics at Kharkiv V. Karazin National University

Phone: [38] 0572 7075602 (Dept)


2005 – present – Associate Professor in the Department of Space Radio Physics at Kharkiv V. Karazin National University

1983-present – Senior Research Scientist of Kharkiv V. Karazin National University.

2003-2005 – Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at the National University of Pharmacy.

2000-2003 – Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics of National University of Pharmacy.

1976-1978 – Assistant Professor in the Department of Space Radio Physics of Kharkiv V. Karazin National University.

1975-1983 – Research Scientist of Kharkiv V. Karazin National University.




Martynenko, S. I., V. T. Rozumenko, O. F. Tyrnov, A. N. Manson, and C. E. Meek, Statistical parameters of nonisothermal lower ionospheric plasma in the electrically active mesosphere, Adv. Space Res., 35, 1467 – 1471, 2005.




Meek, C. E., A. N. Manson, S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, Remote Sensing of Mesospheric Electric Fields Using MF Radars, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 66, 10, 881 – 890, 2004.

Fuks, I. M., and S. I. Martynenko, Comment on “On the long-range detection of radioactivity using electromagnetic radiation”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 523, 1–2, 246 – 248, 2004.

Martynenko, S. I., Ýôôåêòîõëàæäåíèÿîáëàñòè D èîíîñôåðû ïîä äåéñòâèåì âîçìóùåíèé òðîïîñôåðíîé ïðîâîäèìîñòè, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, 9, 2, 217 – 220, 2004 (in Russian).




Martynenko, S. I., A Technique for Remotely Sensing Ionospheric Disturbances from Large Mesospheric Electric Fields, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, 8, 127 – 136, 2003 (in Russian).

Martynenko, S. I., Statistics on Large Mesospheric Electric Fields, The 5th Russian Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Vladimir, September 21 – 26, 2003, Proceedings, Vol. 1, 159 – 161, 2003 (in Russian).

Gokov, A. M., S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, Severe remote earthquakes and large-scale disturbances in the lower ionosphere, The 5th Russian Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Vladimir, September 21 – 26, 2003, Proceedings, Vol. 2, 87 – 89, 2003 (in Russian).

Martynenko, S. I., Statistical Parameters of the Electrically Active Mesosphere, The 3rd Ukrainian Conference on Advanced Space Research, Katsiveli, Crimea, Abstracts, p. 101, 2003a (in Russian).

Martynenko, S. I., V. T. Rozumenko, O. F. Tyrnov, and A. M. Tsymbal, The Electrically Active Mesosphere and Severe Remote Disturbances in the Near-Earth Environment, The 3rd Ukrainian Conference on Advanced Space Research, Katsiveli, Crimea, Abstracts, p. 134, 2003 (in Russian).




Martynenko, S. I., On the Role of Ion Number Density Disturbances in VLF Sprite Relaxation, Adv. Space Res., 30, 11, 2601 – 2605, 2002.

Martynenko, S. I., Statistical Properties of Large Mesospheric Electric Fields, J. Atmos. Electricity, 22, 101 – 106, 2002.

 Gokov, A. M., S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, Remote Earthquake-Induced Large-Scale Ionospheric Disturbances and Strong Mesospheric Electric Fields, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 57, 136 – 140, 2002.

Martynenko, S. I., Modeling the Large Mesospheric Electric Field Statistics, Kharkiv V. Karazin National University Bulletin, Issue 570, Radio Physics and Electronics, 2, 184 – 187, 2002 (in Russian).

Gokov, A. M., S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, Large-Scale Ionospheric Disturbances Arising from Remote Earthquakes and Large Mesospheric Electric Fields, Radio Engineering. Pan-Ukrainian Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Journal, Special Issue, Problems of Telecommunications, 128, 206 – 209, 2002 (in Russian).

Gokov, A. M., S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, Large-Scale Disturbances Originating From Remote Earthquakes and Strong Mesospheric Electric Fields, XXVIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 17 Aug – 24 Aug 2002, Poster presentations 135, Maastricht, 65, 2002.

Martynenko, S. I., Strong Mesospheric Electric Fields and Troposphere-Mesosphere Coupling, XXVIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 17 Aug – 24 Aug 2002, Poster presentation 134, Maastricht, 65, 2002.




Martynenko, S. I., V. T. Rozumenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, New possibilities for mesospheric electricity diagnostics, Adv. Space Res.,. 27, 1127 – 1132, 2001.




Dorokhov, V. L., L. S. Kostrov, S. I. Martynenko, V. F. Pushin, V. G. Somov, O. F. Tyrnov, and A. M. Tsymbal, Radio Wave Study of Plasma Modifications Caused by Chemical Releases in the Ionosphere, Kharkiv National University Bulletin, Issue 467, Radio Physics and Electronics, 1, 163 – 165, 2000 (in Russian).

Martynenko, S. I., Influence of Strong Mesospheric Electric Fields on D Regio Spatial Structures, Committee on Space Research, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland. 16–23 July, 2000. Scientific Commission C: Space Studies of the Upper Atmosphere of the Earth and Planets including Reference Atmospheres, 244, 2000.

Martynenko, S. I., On the Role of Ion Number Density Disturbances in VLF Sprite Relaxation, Committee on Space Research, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland. 16–23 July, 2000. Scientific Commission C: Space Studies of the Upper Atmosphere of the Earth and Planets including Reference Atmospheres, 322, 2000.

Tyrnov, O. F., S. I. Martynenko, and V. T. Rozumenko, New Possibilities for Mesospheric Electricity Diagnostics, Committee on Space Research. Committee on Space Research. 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland. 16–23 July, 2000. Scientific Commission C: Space Studies of the Upper Atmosphere of the Earth and Planets including Reference Atmospheres, 429, 2000.

Martynenko, S. I., Strong Mesospheric Electric Fields and Troposphere-Mesosphere Coupling, 2000 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2. KONTRAST Publishing Center, Kharkov, 627–629, 2000.

Gokov, A. M., S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, Large-Scale Disturbances Originating from Remote Earthquakes in the Plasma at Mesospheric Heights, 2000 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2. KONTRAST Publishing Center, Kharkov, 655 – 657, 2000.




Martynenko, S. I., Atmospheric Electric Field and Disturbances of the Lower Ionosphere Parameters, J. Atmos. Electricity, 19, 1 – 9, 1999.

Martynenko S. I., V. T. Rozumenko, A. M. Tsymbal, O. F. Tyrnov, and A. M. Gokov, Mesospheric electric field measurements with a partial reflection radar, J. Atmos. Electricity, 19, 81 – 86, 1999.

Martynenko, S. I., A Relaxation Model of Plasma Formations During High-Altitude Discharges, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 53, 13 – 18, 1999.

Martynenko, S. I., Relation between Temporal and Spatial Scales of Disturbances Caused by an External Electric Field in the Lower Ionosphere, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 39, 249 – 253, 1999 (in Russian).

Martynenko, S. I., A Relaxation Model of Plasma Bodies Caused by High Altitude Lightning Discharges, Bulletin of Kharkiv State University. Radio Physics and Electronics, 1999, 427, 29–33, 1999 (in Russian).

Martynenko, S. I., Effects of the Transport Processes on the Evolution of Disturbances in the Ionospheric D Region, Bulletin of Kharkiv State University. Radio Physics and Electronics, 427, 34–37, 1999 (in Russian).

Martynenko, S. I., Atmospheric VLF Sprites : A Relaxation Model, XXVI th General Assembly of the URSI ( Toronto. Canada. August 13–21, 1999 ). Abstracts. – Toronto: University of Toronto, 761, 1999.

Martynenko, S. I., V. L. Dorohov, V. T. Rozumenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, Midlatitude Ionospheric Disturbances Induced by Modifications of High-Latitude Ionosphere by High-Power Radio Waves, XXVI th General Assembly of the URSI ( Toronto. Canada. August 13–21, 1999 ). Abstracts. – Toronto: University of Toronto, 299, 1999.

Tyrnov, O. F., S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, A. M. Tsymbal, and A. M. Gokov, Strong Electric Fields in the Middle Atmosphere : New Data from Ground-Based Measurements, XXVI th General Assembly of the URSI ( Toronto. Canada. August 13–21, 1999 ). Abstracts. – Toronto: University of Toronto, 299, 1999.

Martynenko, S. I., and V. T. Rozumenko, The Role of Strong Electric Fields in Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling, Annales Geophysicae. Part III. Space & Planetary Sciences. Supplement III to Volume 17, 1999.




Martynenko, S. I., Simulation of the Regular Structure of the Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by a Release of Chemical Reagents, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 52, 43 – 48, 1998.

Martynenko, S. I., Simulation of the Regular Structure of the Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by a Release of Chemical Reagents, Kharkiv University Bulletin, Issue 405, Radio Physics and Electronics, 150 – 156, 1998 (in Russian).

Gritchin, A. I., V. L. Dorohov, S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, O. F. Tyrnov, and A. A. Ulyanchenko, Influence of High-Power Radio Waves from High-Latitude Ionospheric Modification on the Midlatitude Ionosphere, Vth International Suzdal URSI Symposium on the Modification of the Ionosphere, ISSMI’98, Book of Abstracts, Suzdal, 40, 1998.

Martynenko, S. I., V. T. Rozumenko, A. M. Tsymbal, and O. F. Tyrnov, Partial Reflection Measurements of the Lower Ionosphere Modification Due to Atmospheric Electrostatic Field, Vth International Suzdal URSI Symposium on the Modification of the Ionosphere, ISSMI’98, Book of Abstracts, Suzdal, 105, 1998.

Martynenko, S. I., and R. S. Shubova, Lower Ionosphere Modification by Electrostatic Atmospheric Electric Field and VLF Wave Propagation, Vth International Suzdal URSI Symposium on the Modification of the Ionosphere, ISSMI’98, Book of Abstracts, Suzdal, 107, 1998.

Gokov, A. M., S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, A. M. Tsymbal, and O. F. Tyrnov, A Method for Derivation of Electric Fields in the Lower Ionosphere from Measurements with a Partial Reflection Facility, 1998 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1. NJ, USA: IEEE, 271 – 273, 1998.

Martynenko, S. I., and R. S. Shubova, Impact of Variations in the Radioactive Background above the Earth on the Ionization Balance in the Lower Ionosphere, 1998 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1. NJ, USA: IEEE, 298 – 300, 1998.

Gokov, A. M., S. I. Martynenko, V. T. Rozumenko, A. M. Tsymbal, and O. F. Tyrnov, Variations in the Electron Collision Frequency and Electric Fields in the Lower Ionosphere at Middle Latitudes. Annales Geophysicae. Part III. Space & Planetary Sciences. Supplement III to Volume 16, C841, 1998.

Martynenko, S. I., Coupling between Temporal and Spatial Scales and Modeling Disturbances Caused by External Electric Field in the Lower Ionosphere. Annales Geophysicae. Part III. Space & Planetary Sciences. Supplement III to Volume 16, C845, 1998.




Fuks, I. M., R. S. Shubova, and S. I. Martynenko, Lower Ionosphere Response to Conductivity Variations of the Near-Earth Atmosphere, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 59, 961 – 965, 1997.

Gokov, A. M., and S. I. Martynenko, Changes in the Electron Collision Frequency and Electric Field in the Lower Ionosphere, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 37, 76 – 80, 1997 (in Russian).

Martynenko, S. I., The Relation Between Scale Times and Scale Lengths in the Disturbed Ionospheric Plasma. 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA with ICMA and STP Symposia. Uppsala, IAGA 1997. Abstract Book, 138, 1997.

Tyrnov, O. F., S. I. Martynenko, Yu. B. Milovanov, V. T. Rozumenko, and A. M. Tsymbal, Atmospheric Electricity and Lower Ionosphere Disturbances. 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA with ICMA and STP Symposia. Uppsala, IAGA 1997. Abstract Book, 227, 1997.

Gokov, A. M., S. I. Martynenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, Electric Field Intensity Measurements Using the Partial Reflection Technique. 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA with ICMA and STP Symposia. Uppsala, IAGA 1997. Abstract Book,. 227, 1997.




Martynenko, S. I., I. M. Fuks, and R. S. Shubova, Ionospheric Electric-Field Influence on the Parameters of VLF Signals Connected with Nuclear Accidents and Earthquakes, J. Atmos. Electricity, 16, 259 – 269, 1996.

Martynenko, S. I., I. M. Fuks, and R. S. Shubova, Ionospheric Electric-Field Influence on the Parameters of VLF Signals Connected with Nuclear Accidents and Earthquakes, 10-th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (June 10-14, 1996, Osaka, Japan). Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, 444 – 447, 1996.

Kostrov, L. S., S. I. Martynenko, Yu. B. Milivanov, V. T. Rozumenko, O. F. Tyrnov, and A. M. Tsymbal, Influence of Global Disturbances on the Propagation of Ionospheric MF and HF Radio Waves: Technique, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symp. (July 21-26, 1996, Baltimore, USA). Digest Vol. 3, Baltimore, Maryland: IEEE, 2236 – 2239, 1996.

Gokov, A. M., and S. I. Martynenko, Electron Collision Frequncy Changes and Electric Field Measurements in the Ionospheric D-Region, USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting (July 21-26, 1996, Baltimore, USA). Baltimore, Maryland: IEEE, 415, 1996.

Martynenko, S. I., I. M. Fuks, and R. S. Shubova, Influence of Nuclear Accidents on the Parameters of VLF Signals, USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting (July 21-26, 1996, Baltimore, USA). Baltimore, Maryland: IEEE, 415, 1996.




Martynenko, S. I., V. T. Rozumenko, and Yu. B. Milovanov, Ïðîÿâëåíèÿ ãëîáàëüíûõ âîçìóùåíèé â ÷àñòè÷íî îòðàæåííûõ ñèãíàëàõ íà ñðåäíèõ øèðîòàõ, Ìåæäóíàð. Ñèìï. “Ñïóòíèêîâûå èññëåäîâàíèÿ èîíîñôåðíûõ è ìàãíèòîñôåðíûõ ïðîöåññîâ” (Moskow, IZMIRAN, 1995). Abstracts, Moskow: IZMIRAN, 28 – 29, 1995 (in Russian).

Gokov, A. M., and S. I. Martynenko, Àòìîñôåðíûå ýëåêòðè÷åñêèå ïîëÿ è àíòðîïîãåííûå âîçìóùåíèÿ â èîíîñôåðå, Ìåæäóíàð. Ñèìï. “Ñïóòíèêîâûå èññëåäîâàíèÿ èîíîñôåðíûõ è ìàãíèòîñôåðíûõ ïðîöåññîâ” (Moskow, IZMIRAN, 1995). Abstracts, Moskow: IZMIRAN, 28 – 29, 1995 (in Russian).




Martynenko, S. I., I. M. Fuks, and R. S. Shubova, Response of the Lower Ionosphere to Variations in the Near-Earth Atmospheric Conductivity, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 34, 121 – 129, 1994 (in Russian).

Tyrnov, O. F., K. P. Garmash, A. M. Gokov, A. I. Gritchin, V. L. Dorohov, L. G. Kontzevaya, L. S. Kostrov, S. G. Leus, S. I. Martynenko, V. A. Misyura, V. A. Podnos, S. N. Pokhilko, V. T. Rozumenko, V. G. Somov, A. M. Tsymbal, L. F. Chernogor, and A. S. Shemet, The Radiophysical Observatory for Remote Sounding of the Ionosphere, Turkish J. of Physics, 18, 1260 – 1265, 1994.

Rozumenko, V. T., L. S. Kostrov, S. I. Martynenko, V. A. Misyura, O. F. Tyrnov, A. M. Tsymbal, and L. F. Chernogor, Studies of Global and Large-Scale Ionospheric Phenomena Due to Sources of Energy of Different Nature, Turkish J. of Physics, 18, 1193 – 1198, 1994.

Martynenko, S. I., Yu. B. Milovanov, V. T. Rozumenko, and O. F. Tyrnov, Modeling of the Fine Structure of Disturbances in the Ionospheric D Region Due to Remote Sources of Different Nature, Annales Geophysicae. Part III. Space & Planetary Sciences. Supplement III to Volume 12, C623, 1994.

Martynenko, S. I., I. M. Fuks, and R. S. Shubova, Modelling the Response of the Ionosphere to Conductivity Variations in the Lower Atmosphere, , Annales Geophysicae. Part III. Space & Planetary Sciences. Supplement III to Volume 12, C623, 1994.

Rozumenko, V. T., L. S. Kostrov, S. I. Martynenko, V. A. Misyura, A. M. Tsymbal, O. F. Tyrnov, and L. F. Chernogor, Active Experiment Studies of the Ionospheric-Magnetospheric Interaction in the Middle Latitudes, Annales Geophysicae. Part III. Space & Planetary Sciences. Supplement III to Volume 12, C626, 1994.

Gritchin, A. I., V. L. Dorohov, I. I. Kapanin, A. I. Karpachev, L. S. Kostrov, S. G. Leus, S. I. Martynenko, N. N. Mashtaler, Yu. B. Milovanov, V. A. Misyura, O. V. Pakhomova, V. A. Podnos, S. N. Pokhilko, E. N. Protopop, V. T. Rozumenko, V. G. Somov, O. F. Tyrnov, V. N. Fedorenko, Yu. P. Fedorenko, A. M. Tsymbal, L. F. Chernogor, S. G. Chulakov, and A. S. Shemet, Complex Radiophysical Investigations of Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by Launches and Flights of Spacecraft, Space Plasma Physics. Proceedings of International Seminar (1993, Kiev, Ukraine). Kiev: NSAU, 161 – 170, 1994.